Healing Energy Management System
When one views the vast body of literature on the Energy Fields, Chakras, Meridians, Spin Points, and Bodies of Man, it soon becomes apparent that many years of study and research, by many minds, were required to bring it all into print. Certainly no one person or group could ever claim credit for such a vast array of wisdom.
The information and techniques contained in the Zenith System grew and continues to grow from their reservoir of literature. So we say, "Thank You", to all who contributed knowledge to this study. A special "Thank You" to those Higher Powers who saw fit to provide us access to their knowledge, techniques, and systems is also given.
This program is meant for all humankind with the sincere hope that it provides the keys necessary to bring mankind into the Violet Vibrations, in preparation for Elevation, Transition, and Ascension.
Rev. W.R. Wiltshire
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Wishing all the guidance and love from the universe.
Love and Light,
Anne Angelheart