Healing Energy Management System
Zenith Omega™ energy work re-establishes the link between mind, body and spirit using sound, color, and sacred geometry so that we may be whole again. In that wholeness, we find an emotional and physical healing, we find our true selves and we find the inherit power of choice. Zenith Omega™ helps us see through illusions, self-generated or otherwise.
The Reverend William Wiltshire was the channel from which the Zenith information came. Reverend Wiltshire was an ordained minister and a most interesting man to be with He resided in America until his death in 1999.
The following is the story of how Zenith came to be.
The energy is known by many names and by many different cultures, and serves to link the material with the immaterial. It is known as: KI, QI (Chi), Mana, Prana, Rauch, and Kundalini. It is sometimes referred to as the life force. But by whatever name, this energy remains inherently linked with life and consciousness, and continues to produce profound effects on physical being and matter.
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Please contact me if you have any questions.
Wishing all the guidance and love from the universe.
Love and Light,
Anne Angelheart