Healing Energy Management System
By this same reckoning however, neither would love, hate, anger, greed, etc, chakra centers exist. We know that these emotions do though, we see their effects all the time. Yet to clearly identify their existence in the body would be impossible… as impossible as the identification of the flowing energy. And emotions and feelings are energy.
Energy flows through our bodies like water and/or electricity, and is essentially formless. It provides our body with animation, life, and general character. The exchanging of energies within our bodies occur far more simply than the bodies processing of fluids and nutrients for physical energy.
This energy can be developed and controlled. Re-defined, identified, and expanded, it establishes the connection to our sphere of influence, our capacity for inner movement, our physical and metaphysical awareness, power and strength. This energy is responsible for our basic vitality, our health and well being, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. It continues to be identified as the cohesive force between the mind-body-spirit.
The energy is known by many names and by many different cultures, and serves to link the material with the immaterial. It is known as: KI, QI (Chi), Mana, Prana, Rauch, and Kundalini. It is sometimes referred to as the life force. But by whatever name, this energy remains inherently linked with life and consciousness, and continues to produce profound effects on physical being and matter.
Light essentially has no color. If light were to pass through a prism however, it would separate into what we perceive as the colors of the rainbow. Each “color” band vibrates at a set individual frequency or wavelength. This frequency is then seen by the eyes and we see blue…red…yellow…green…etc.
Each frequency can be “seen” as “sound” on an oscilloscope, and can be identified by its particular individual wavelength. It is energy – moving, undulating, and resonating at a set vibration. “Clear” light, and then can be construed as the harmonic blending of all the colors that have merged together. Because each individual color, or sets of colors, are energy… or more importantly, energy moving at a specific vibration, it can not only be seen, but also felt or touched, and directed.
We all have our own concepts of the spirit and of the spiritual realms, one that is usually based on our own culture or ethnic background. History tells us of our spirits, our connection with each other. Some of us lost this knowledge somewhere in the mists of time, colorfully enshrouding what we knew of the spirit with metaphors, myths, and legends. It became a matter of safety and survival to do so.
Cross culturally, and simply put, the spirit has been described as a fluid like energy that can be seen, felt, or touched, and can be worked with. It exists within us as well as around us. Whether it survives after death is a matter of personal belief.
There is a wondrous analogy that exists within our culture that best describes the connection between our spirits, our energies, and our connection with Source. That analogy can be found in any everyday electrical light bulb. Electrical energy travels from the power source, hydroelectric dam, and transformer… through the wires to other transformers. From the transformers, electricity continues to travel through wires until it reaches our house. From those large wires, it moves into the electrical wiring of the house, through those wires, up the wires of the lamp, where it excites the filaments within a glass enclosed vacuum and creates….light!
Source energy (electricity) travels through relatively unseen energy fields (wires) to touch our spirits (filaments) causing our spirits to become animated (excited). This excitement permeates through our bodies (the surrounding glass vacuum) and animates, excites and moves the body through the physical world (the resultant shining light). This outward manifestation of spirit energy/Source energy has color, texture, depth, and can be seen, felt or touched, and worked with. This is our energy field and it consists of several layers around and through the body.
A Clearing/Healing consist of 6 to 10 clearings within one sitting, with each sitting lasting for an hour. There is little physical contact in Zenith Omega™ , as it is done a couple of inches away from the receiver, while the receiver sits in a chair. Zenith Omega™ is practiced in a loving and supportive environment where "You are the One Discovering Yourself" To receive Zenith Omega™ , contact a Certified Practitioner in your area. Zenith Omega™ Energy is also very effective in absentee Healings/Clearings.
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Wishing all the guidance and love from the universe.
Love and Light,
Anne Angelheart