Healing Energy Management System
Volume three is working with the Mental & Emotional issues and dealing with the more complex energies and blockages.
1. Clarity of Purpose
2. Clarity of Decision
3. Apathy
4. Remembrance
5. Clearing for Survival
6. Wisdom
7. The Healers Tool
8. The Healers Tool II
9. Clear Focus
10. Clearing For Light
11. The Healers Hands
12. Computer Over-ride
13. I’M OK Clearing
14. Total Well Being
15. Leadership
16. Be Still
17. A Final Step
18. Field Clearing HP Rep WI Bonding
19. Mental Body (Alignment & Focus)
20. Clearing for P C
21. Word Power Awareness
22. Emotional Body (Alignment & Focus)
23. The Computer Fix
24. Clarity of Intent
25. Clearing for ATI
26. Clearing for A.R.
27. Peace Within The Field
28. Release for “Fear of Power”
29. The Law
30. Clearing LAW
31. Shield of Impersonal
32. Emotional Balance
33. Co-Dependency
34. Denial
35.Criticism (Past, Present, Future)
36. Untrue Thoughts
37. Clearing the Field of all Parent Patterning, (Falling outside the D.P.)
38. Forgiveness (Father)
39. Forgiveness (Mother)
40. Clearing Hurt
41. Clearing for Depression & Loneliness
42. Clearing Jealousy
43. Clearing of Put Down Tapes
44. Clearing Rejection
45. Clearing Abandonment
46. Clearing & Release of All Buried Emotions (All Planes, All Times)
47. Clearing of Self Destruct Tapes
48. Pain
49. Clarity of Pattern
50. The Beings Perfect Pattern
51. Clearing Broken Heart
52. Freedom from the Misogyny Trap
53. Clearing Impulsiveness
54. Habit (Release & Replacement)
55. Clearing “New Life”
56. Mind Control (Clearing, Deprogram; Installation of D.P.)
57. Peter Pan & Shadow Bonding
58. Schizophrenia
59. Clearing Narcissistic Disorders
60. Autism
61. The Gathering Together (M.P.D.
62. Clearing Self-Hatred
63. Insecurity (with self)
64. Bitterness
65. Hopelessness
67. Clearing Insecurity
68. Healing the Inner Child
69. Clearing Misdirected Need
70. Clearing Eros to Agape
71. Childhood Trauma
72. Abuse
73. Obsessive – Compulsive
74. Clearing for Negative Field Violation (Restoration and Balancing)
75. Sexual Dysfunctions
76. Clearing Intimacy Dysfunctions
77. Incest
78. Clearing of Inner Disharmony
79. Pattern Identification
80. Past Life Interference
81. Release of Leeches or Con Artists
82. Clearing for Inner Direction
83. Internal Shield “EMF”
84. Intuition
85. Harmony within the Field
86. Communication
87. Awakening of Reasoning Intelligence
88. Prophecy
89. Clearing the Unmet Need; All levels (Escalation from Balance)
90. Tonal Awareness & Balance
91. The Transmutation of Non-Healed Energy
92. Serenity – True Inner Expression of Source
93. Clearing Female Energy Flow; Release & Restoration
94. Clearing Male Energy Flow; Release & Restoration
95. The Gift of Love to All Mankind
96. Something Special
97. Right Choice for Soul Growth
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Wishing all the guidance and love from the universe.
Love and Light,
Anne Angelheart